On Monday, I got to have a lovely unexpected chillage with my best friend, Anissa <3. Why was it unexpected? Well, I never planned to go anywhere on Monday (was my day off) but because of the wonderful news I received from her through phone call, I decided celebration was in order, ASAP! My schedule is very packed this week so why not chill right now (since at that moment it was 6pm).
I've known Anissa as a person for close to 9 years!!! We were merely acquaintances in High school, since I hanged out with one group (I was an anime fanatic back than- still am but to a lesser degree) and she hangout with another. We both went to different Universities, Anissa going to Ryerson University and I going to York University. The main attribute was we both went into Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in 2009.
We were reunited when we were both writing our nursing examinations in June 2013, I was coming out of the washroom and she was waiting in line to go in. It was a 10 second interaction but that set in motion the future events and thus, our current friendship now. Ever since then, she been my partner in crime lol. It was surprising that from today we hadn't chill for a full month :O (October 6) which is really RARE! We usually try to chill every 2 weeks but my schedule was quite hectic this month so it was probably my fault lol. So WHY are we celebrating unexpectedly?
So today (referring to Monday), the Canadian Registered Nurse Examination results were received by most candidates who wrote October 1st. For those who don't know anything about the CRNE, its an exam created to prepare an individual who has completed the BScN program (4 years). Think of it as your ticket to finally practicing as a Nurse and receiving your licence. Without this, you CANT practice as a nurse in Canada or anywhere in the matter and have 2 years to complete this exam or your 4 years of schooling is useless.
With the CRNE, you have 3 shots! This means you are given 3 attempted to write this exam, the passing score being 550/800. The % varies on a number of factors but usually based on the overall average of the group writing (or so they say). There are 200 question (100-case scenarios/100- independent). You are giving 4 hours to write this exam (no exceptions). So basically 50 questions/hour. Now your wondering, this exam must be pretty easy or straightforward or thats how people believe.
From my personal experience and previous blog, Ive mentioned my experience with this exam. I'm not Extremely smart but I work hard to achieve good grades in university. I was a 80-90 student, did okay throughout school, never had any problems till THIS exam. People really don' t understand how hard this exam really is. Ive written this exam ALL 3 TIMES and now with my career in motion and achieving success, I can proudly say I had to go through this struggle.
This is exam isn't based on smarts. Some people I knew who literally got by the whole 4 year program passed, compared to people who were honour students with 90's failed. This exam came down to how you answered the questions, within 4 hours and Knowledge, Application and Critical Thinking were all involved. So it really comes down to having Good luck and God (if your religious) by your side at that moment and hopping the best. IF you take all 3 attempts and fail, the end result is your BScN degree is useless and thus you must go back to school (for another 4 years) at a different university IF allowed (apparently cant have the same degree unless approved). Other option is requesting to be considered for the RPN exam, get approved, writing that, hopefully pass and become an RPN (if so u can go and do two years of school to become an RN and get another 3 chances). ALSO the exam has NOW been changed as of 2015 to the NCLEX so this would be difficult for previous writers due to a different concept and focus.
So, if you pass this exam, its an ACCOMPLISHMENT! Also its the gateway to pursue your career as a nurse and now be considered for employment.

We worked really hard in the last 10-12 months. During that time, I was also studying and working towards my own 3rd attempt for Feb 2014 exam, and once that was out of the way, we started to focus on Anissa. We would meet up every 2-3 weeks either at her place or library/bbt and go through questions, I gave all the notes I could possibly find, we and her family worked together to do everything in our power to help my girl succeed.
Knowledge of course is important for this exam, but Apply the knowledge and using critical thinking is both weighed at 40% (or together 80-85%) of the whole exam. Thats why its a really win- lose situation if you lack or mess up on these two areas especially, and thus comes down to how you answer the questions. You don't need knowledge, you need to analyze, understand and apply what the questions is asking/locate the answer in the 4 options provided (these 4 options can ALL be the right answer, but 1 will be the priority. For example-> O2 VS medication)
Knowledge of course is important for this exam, but Apply the knowledge and using critical thinking is both weighed at 40% (or together 80-85%) of the whole exam. Thats why its a really win- lose situation if you lack or mess up on these two areas especially, and thus comes down to how you answer the questions. You don't need knowledge, you need to analyze, understand and apply what the questions is asking/locate the answer in the 4 options provided (these 4 options can ALL be the right answer, but 1 will be the priority. For example-> O2 VS medication)
To celebrate, we went to Pyung Won House- Korean restaurant to eat (will write a separate review)
I cant even express how proud I am of this girl. Maybe its because we both known each other for so long, seen one another grow & change, both had to go through this hardship and more. It was so nice to have such moral support and someone who wouldn't abandon you once they reached their success (which HAPPENED ALOT- used, abused and ditched you the moment they passed). However, this experience has taught both of us a lesson in terms of people and overall friendship.
Don't allow someone to be in your life if they wont be there when your at rock bottom. I had many friends in the last 5 years (specifically in 2012-2013). I thought of them as "best" friends, would put 100% etc but if they only give you 50, 60, 80% in the friendship, you really need to re-consider the "best friend" title. Some say a Best friend should be someone you've known for 5,10, 20 years. I don't believe in that... I think a best friend is someone who give 100% into the friendship, someone who isn't in this friendship for something in return. Someone who YOU, as an individual, can look and say "I WANT this person in my life for xx amount of years or as long as possible".
In this time and age, its really hard to find those type of people and friends. I've ditched many people who used me for their own needs, didn't give a lot, or just needed me in their lives to remind themselves how better off they are (in terms of size or financial status). However, NOW, I can say I have a good set of people in my life, individuals who I can travel with, hangout with whenever I want, who I can actually consider being my bridesmaids in the future (and be apart of the groomsmen section lol), and overall want me to succeed.
SUCCESS, is what it comes down to and is one of my main motivators. When you haven't reached success, many people don't care of you, only a few friends, family members etc. Moment you start exhibiting signs of success (have a career, financially stable, get a car, house, travel, living life) thats when these "unnecessary" individuals want to know your business and SEE how your accomplishing such things (either out of curiosity or personal satisfaction). Not to say everyone has such intentions, but in the year of 2014, majority of people have this type of viewpoint more or less.
SO, All I can say is this:
Don't allow someone to be in your life if they wont be there when your at rock bottom. I had many friends in the last 5 years (specifically in 2012-2013). I thought of them as "best" friends, would put 100% etc but if they only give you 50, 60, 80% in the friendship, you really need to re-consider the "best friend" title. Some say a Best friend should be someone you've known for 5,10, 20 years. I don't believe in that... I think a best friend is someone who give 100% into the friendship, someone who isn't in this friendship for something in return. Someone who YOU, as an individual, can look and say "I WANT this person in my life for xx amount of years or as long as possible".
In this time and age, its really hard to find those type of people and friends. I've ditched many people who used me for their own needs, didn't give a lot, or just needed me in their lives to remind themselves how better off they are (in terms of size or financial status). However, NOW, I can say I have a good set of people in my life, individuals who I can travel with, hangout with whenever I want, who I can actually consider being my bridesmaids in the future (and be apart of the groomsmen section lol), and overall want me to succeed.
SUCCESS, is what it comes down to and is one of my main motivators. When you haven't reached success, many people don't care of you, only a few friends, family members etc. Moment you start exhibiting signs of success (have a career, financially stable, get a car, house, travel, living life) thats when these "unnecessary" individuals want to know your business and SEE how your accomplishing such things (either out of curiosity or personal satisfaction). Not to say everyone has such intentions, but in the year of 2014, majority of people have this type of viewpoint more or less.
SO, All I can say is this:
"You DID IT Anissa!!! You wanted to become a nurse, to be a life saver, and change people lives.
Now you can finally pursue your dream, your passion.
You struggled, you worked so hard
Many tears were shed, you were frustrated and stressed
The all nighters, and having no social life
is FINALLY over
Now go rise up and broadcast your success
so those who didn't show any concern, ditched, and couldn't even support you
when you were struggling through many hardships
can NOW see how far you went WITHOUT them
Go and Live Your Dream"
Congratulation to ALL my other friends who passed the CRNE :D *high-five*
Yumoyori <3~
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